The world's natural ecosystems act as a buffer . 地球上的自然生态系统起着一种缓冲的作用。
The species that make up natural ecosystems usually display a wide range of genetic variability . 构成自然生态系统的生物种,通常表现有较大范围的遗传变异性。
The plants of natural ecosystems are usually well adapted to the edaphic and climatic character of their region . 自然生态系统的植物,通常十分适应当地的土壤和气候特点。
Accumulation of toxic substances in the biosphere is causing serious changes in the structure and function of natural ecosystems . 生物圈内有毒物质的积累,造成了天然生态系统的结构与功能的严重变化。
Research on restoring natural ecosystem of polluted rivers 污染河涌生态恢复的可行性方法
Another difference is that parks are now expected to function like natural ecosystems as well as looking like them 另一个不同的地方,是现在的公园都像它们看上去那样,有自然生态系统的功能。
Society was traditionally developed in the price of ecoenvironment destruction while natural ecosystem was sustainable developed 摘要人类传统的社会发展是以破坏生态环境为代价,而自然生态系统是可持续发展的。
Main research conclusion is as follows : 1 the eco - fragile area is a district where natural ecosystem is out of balance over a long period of time 主要研究结论如下: 1生态脆弱区是指那些自然生态系统长期处于失衡状态的区域。
It have the natural ecosystem ' s ordinary characters , the same time receive society , fertility , production relations and the relating building up on it 它既具有一般自然生态系统的特征,同时又受社会,生产力,生产关系以及与之相联系的上层建筑所制约。
Wetland landscape changes in structure and process have huge impacts on environmental changes caused by the spatial and temporal interaction of wetland natural ecosystem processes 该过程对系统的能量流动、物质循环以及物种迁移产生作用,对地理环境也产生巨大环境效应。